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A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity

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A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity

Artigo apresentado na conferência holandesa Inscope 2011.


There are many studies on how individuals solve problems in a creative way but few on how the collective that the individual make part turn solutions into changes. We propose that creativity starts from the individual but is not fully realized until it gets into the collective. The collective must be conscious about the contradictions in order to embrace change. The lack of studies on collective creativity makes researchers and practitioners underequipped to deal with complex design process where multiple actors interacts. This paper presents and discusses a design game that takes problems and solutions as placements to find activity contradictions and raise consciousness about the possibilities for change.

A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity [PDF]

Como citar

van Amstel, F.M.C; Silveira, G.S; Hartmann, T. (2011) A Problem-Solving Game for Collective Creativity. Annual INSCOPE-Conference, Enschede – Netherlands.


Frederick van Amstel - Quem? / Contato - 07/06/2012


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